Monday, December 17, 2012

13 yo comments

I had a conversation the other day with one of #1's new friends from her bible study. #1 had mentioned that this girl had a "interesting" family life and that her parents were divorced. When he arrived, I asked if that was her dad. She said yes. I responded with Oh, ok, are you with him this weekend? Are we taking time away from you too? Then her response: "No, my parents are back together. I'm not really happy about it. I really don't like my mom at all ... I like being with my dad a lot more."

Wow ... those are some strong words to say to someone that you have only met twice.

I wonder what this child is really learning at home.  She told #2 that she should really dress like a skater ... because she would be much cuter.  Really?  What the heck is that about?  #2 told her that she dresses fine and she wasn't going to do that.

After sitting at the table with the girls and talking about both of these issues, I told them that I loved them for who there were.  I hope that I have done enough to know that they are enough.  They don't need to change for anyone.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The company

I just another article bashing the company that provides for this family, Walmart. 

Look at these numbers. 

Our associates know the truth: We typically pay as much or more than the competition, the majority of our associates work full time, and entry-level pay often exceeds that of union hires. We offer quarterly bonus opportunities and have paid out $550 million in cash bonuses this year. We also offer careers, not just jobs: 75 percent of our store management teams started as hourly associates, and we've promoted 165,000 associates this year. Of those we hired last year, 20 percent were rehires - meaning they worked for Walmart, left, but came back. I could go on, but the bottom line is we are offering competitive jobs, and we treat our associates fairly.

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Friday, October 19, 2012

A reminder of a blessing

I had an interesting conversation with a friend of H's. She asked if I stayed at home full time. When I replied, "Yes", she said, "That's cool. I wish my mom stayed home.".

I thought that was interesting. They live on the golf course, have a much bigger home than us and probably make more than us. But in reality, all the kids want, is that the parents are home.

We made the decision long before kids that I would stay home. Jonathan and I didn't have that (not because our parents were super career oriented, but actually needed to have two incomes). We don't have new fancy cars, the biggest house in the neighborhood or buy our kids $80 jeans. But, the thing I can give them ... a stay at home mom that is there when they need me ... might be the gift they remember most in their life.

I am blessed that I can do it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Isn't this a true statement?  This is one of the reason's we moved to Hong Kong.  I regretted leaving Melbourne 6 months into a 18 month assignment.  With a 9 month old and another one due in 5 months, it was the right thing for us to do.  But, that being said, I wish that we could have done more while we were there - and I wonder if this set back Jonathan's career.  

All that being said, I love where we are and where we have been.  I don't know that I would be this content and happy  if I didn't have that opportunity to reflect on.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Len Penzo dot Com

 I believe that he is completely RIGHT in all these statements.  When family members complain about money, I have found that they can check off at least 75% of this list.  Why is this so hard to understand?  If we could get this right in our personal lives, I think we would be able to get this right with the government too!

Dear Friend: Here Are 41 Reasons Why I'm NOT Lending You the Money

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 12:15 AM PDT

Earlier this year, the Huffington Post featured a curious article that attempted to explain why our friends often fail to repay money that they borrow from us. In a nutshell, the piece offered five reasons:

  • You refuse to ask for the money back.
  • You make it too easy for your friends to ignore you.
  • You didn't get the loan in writing.
  • Your friends assume that their unpaid debt won't result in a broken friendship.
  • Your friends never planned to give you the money back in the first place.

Strangely enough, the author failed to offer the most logical — not to mention obvious — reason why anyone would ever welch on a loan from a friend or relative: they're a deadbeat.

Truth be told, I have occasionally loaned money to my financially-pinched friends and relatives. Not often, but I have.

In several cases, I've offered the cash with no strings attached because I believed the bind they were in was due to something out of their control.

That being said, if you happen to be a friend of mine who's been thinking about asking me for a loan, keep in mind that your odds of success will be extremely remote if one or more of the following are true:

  1. You refuse to get a job — any job.
  2. You've got a million reasons why you can't work a second job.
  3. You drive a 2012 Lexus when a 1997 Honda Civic will do.
  4. You insist on living somewhere with a high cost-of-living even though your income (or lack thereof) can't support it.
  5. You fail to understand that debt is a mortgage on your future.
  6. Your priorities are all screwed up.
  7. You live in a larger home than you can reasonably afford.
  8. You refuse to raise additional cash by selling some of your "toys."
  9. You prefer to blame others for your poor financial situation.
  10. You're materialistic.
  11. You fail to comprehend the concept of value.
  12. You've got a closet full of $200 designer jeans.
  13. You own a $500 handbag.
  14. You wear $400 Louis Vuitton Millionaire sunglasses.
  15. You play the lottery on a regular basis.
  16. Your teenager drives a brand new car when a beater will do.
  17. You think money grows on trees.
  18. You insist that packing a brown bag lunch is waste of time.
  19. You recently completed an ambitious kitchen remodel even though it didn't really need it.
  20. You own five dogs, three cats, a cockatoo and an anaconda.
  21. You refuse to quit smoking.
  22. You're woefully disorganized.
  23. You can't tell me exactly how much money you earn each month.
  24. You can't explain — nor have any idea –  where your money goes every month.
  25. You refuse to save money by eating leftovers.
  26. You believe it's all about living in the moment.
  27. You just got back from a 10-day Caribbean cruise.
  28. You have no concept of personal responsibility.
  29. You failed to maintain rainy day and emergency funds.
  30. You own an iPhone.
  31. You eat out too much.
  32. You're still sending your child to private school.
  33. You're a big believer in keeping up with the Joneses.
  34. You still have a gardener. (Never mind that his leaf blower wakes me up every Saturday morning.)
  35. You just bought another large screen high definition television.
  36. You seem to think that poor planning on your part constitutes an emergency on mine.
  37. Your spouse refuses to get a job.
  38. You don't know the difference between a want and a need.
  39. You've shown no inclination to change your financially destructive behavior.
  40. You haven't established a credible plan for digging yourself out of debt.

And if that's not enough for you, here's one more: Quite frankly, I'm tired of coddling people who refuse to sacrifice and make the same hard decisions that I do every day in order to ensure I live within my means.

Is that harsh? No — that's life.

So, now that I've made myself perfectly clear … do you still want to ask me for a loan?

Photo Credit: Infrogmation

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I left Piper in the laundry room the other day with a bone and a baby, and she started to eat my drying rack.

Because of this, we have started putting her in her crate more. I looks like all I had to do was add the comfy bed and now everything is all right in dog world. She will be going in her crate at night and when we leave the house.

What happened?

It was 80* last week. Now, we have a little bit if snow/sleet on our roof. What have I gotten myself into?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This, along with a retractable leash and another baby, is what Piper got from my mom today. I have yet reviewed a package from her. 😊

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A dog's life

Do you think she is enjoying herself? I guess she feels pretty good about living here.

His her second bone today in the yard. She still hasn't barked yet either. Good thing.... Right?!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Well... He is actually a she. I didn't check before I left. Oops. Max has become Piper.

We laugh at this because she has a brand new bed next to her and she sleeps on the carpet. I'm sure that the carpet feels awesome after sleeping on concrete all your life.

I had no idea that the Cherokee Nation has its own license plates. Very cool!

The dog

Well, I did it. I got a dog today. G was so happy to see him when she got home that she started to cry. I can't believe it. My tough girl brought down by a puppy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


A shredding we will go. A place near us is having 49 cent shredding. I am all over that! We had papers/documents from 1997 when we got married. Why move this much crap across the country! It feels great to get rid of it all!

Monday, September 24, 2012


I feel like I got jipped out of some colors!

Friday, September 21, 2012

My thoughts

Some of my random thoughts:

I think that ALL elected officials should have to make their tax returns public. I don't care if you are a federal or local elected official ... if you are going to throw stones, you should make your dirty laundry known too.

I believe in profits for companies.

In this election, i believe in freedom of the individual and financial freedom for the country. I don't want someone telling me what I can and can't do to my body. On the other hand, I don't think that my company to have to pay for my indiscretions. I think that we need to get our financial house in order before we can even start paying for other countries issues or giving money for conventions. Everyone has had to cut back ... why not the government?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Quotes of the week

J:  You know, I am reading the Tyler Hamilton book on Lance.  
Me:  Yea
J: Me and Lance both have a lot in common, since you know, we're both from Texas
Me:  Both @$$es?  

J says that this book is a really good read.  Here's a question ... if everyone is documenting it and saying it ... is everyone really jealous and "out the get Lance"?  

I don't agree with going after someone YEARS after winning something this big.  Do I believe he doped ... probably.  

While talking about how terrible drivers are - (they can't figure out the round about and don't really think that the red stop light means stop)
J:  Arkansas is just another version of China

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I have been waiting years to see this again! I love it when the girls play with friends in the yard. Perfect day!

A Saturday afternoon

Sitting outside watching the US Open under the Illinois blanket! What a great Saturday afternoon. (it's actually 70*here right now)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Legs are sexier shaven and with numbers on them.

1 month in

Here are some pictures from the new house.  We have been in for a month ... and we are almost there.  The biggest issue that I have is what to put on the walls?  You can see a few pictures here and there ... but basically, I have no idea what I'm doing.

Downstairs family room

Laundry room.  I love this room.  I need to figure out how to put a sewing table in there and still manage all the other stuff

 Dining Room
 Jonathan's office / workout room.  He was actually studying, so I decided not to disturb him.
 Half of the deck.  The table seats 6.   The other chair are pulled under the upper deck because I didn't want them to fly around in the winds from Hurricane Isaac.
The business side of the deck.

Little cubby area outside of our bedroom Walk in closet


One of pictures that I bought in China

Front of the house

Some people put college team on their flag pole ... we put rugby.  Rugby is NOT a popular sport around here if you are wondering.  Gabby had to explain to someone at the bus stop who the "All Blacks" were.  Others have asked friends if there was something "weird" about us ... because why would you put a flag with "All blacks on a pole with a leaf".  Good times.

Friday, August 31, 2012


Funny. A woman who is running for a judge position parking in a handicap spot.

A company that gives - Wal-Mart

 I have seen so many people complain about stores.  But do you know that the slogan, "Save Money, Live Better" is really what they try to do?  Take a look at ALL the giving they do:

I was surprised this week when I heard that Wal-Mart has a meteorologist on staff full time.  Why would a large company have this?  So many reasons.  The company wants the stores stocked and ready for supplies that people need before and after the hurricane hits.  They also want to make sure that donations are in the right place.  

A company that gives .

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Interesting day

Happy anniversary to us! Today marks 15 years. Where has the time gone? I remember getting ready ... Make up, hair dress, walking down the aisle not looking at Jonathan because I was going to cry, lighting a unity candle, talking about J's golf game that day and saying I do. Where has the time gone?

One of the most frequent comments we get is ..."Wow, you all were just babies when you got married." Yes, we were.

There have been so many adventures with this man. I can't wait to see what the upcoming years bring. I have been truly blessed to have chosen wisely the first time.

So, on another front today.

I wanted to ride my bike, but still don't feel completely comfortable riding on the roads alone. I thought that if I found a 2 mile loop, that I could ride 4-5 time would be great. I completely messed up my directions and ended up in Bella Vista. I ended up parking near the mall and just riding about 8 miles from there. Hills ... I know that it makes you stronger, but breathing during the ride is important too.

I did a sewing run of a potential Christmas gift for friends and family. It actually turned out well ... So I'm excited about that.

While taking G to tumbling tonight, we were stopped at a light with the windows down. Some kid yelled at me ... He was about 7.

I watched a guy in a truck back up the entire on ramp to I540. That was pretty interesting.

Finally ... We are waiting for Isaac. The winds are here and the rain is suppose to start tonight. Luckily, I cleaned out the garage yesterday, so I don't have to get wet if I have to go anywhere. I actually think that I'll let J pull his truck in since he'll be actually leaving to tomorrow.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What do you say

What do you say to people that act like they have the worst life EVER? In fact, their life is quite the fairy tale, and they haven't even begun to know what poor is. Since we moving back, I have become even more grateful for the experiences we have had the last two years.

So for many of those people, short of, "Are you f'ing kidding me", I will go with, "Really? I didn't know that your life is hard. I will say a prayer for you.".

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The other thing you can count on besides death and taxes is that every time I ride I will have grease on my leg! Great second ride on the streets of Bentonville.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

People are funny. I called to make an appointment for H to get her eyes checked. This is how it went:

Me. I'd like to make an appointment for me daughter.
Lady. Has she been here before
Me. No
Lady. Ok, her first name, last name.
Me. (gave all the info)
Lady. Her fathers name.
Me. Why do you need that? He's never been there.
Lady. Ok, can I get his name?
Me. Why do you need his name?
Lady. Umm, I guess I can get yours. Will you be using insurance?
Me. No
Lady. What? Are you sure?
Me. Yes. I'm paying for it.
Lady. Silence ... Crickets.
Me. Re you still there?

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

The finishing touches

I think I am just about done buying things.  This is what we got for the deck:

Arbor Patio Dining Set With Optional Umbrella - Seats 6 and this Arbor Collection Wood Conversation Set - Seats 4

We were originally going to get the plastic wicker that you see at nice resorts, but I couldn't find one that I liked for a price that I was willing to pay.  So ... as long as I oil the eucalyptus wood twice a year, it says that I should be able to keep it this color.

On a side note:

I am tired of shopping.

I am tired of unpacking.

I am ready to travel again ... internationally.  I have started to make plans for spring break - which is when J says that he will be ready to travel.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The right tool for the right job

It is really amazing how easier life is when you have the right "tools" for the job.  We lived in HK for 2 year, and I had 2 knives that I used to cook with.  Here, I have about 6 to choose from, depending on what I'm cutting up.  Today, I was making garlic bread, and wouldn't you know it, cutting bread with a serrated bread knife makes it much easier!   But with so many choices, do you really NEED 6 different knives at your disposal when you cook? I guess I really know the answer ...

This :    or this:  

Friday, August 3, 2012


Do you think I have enough? The colored ones are the ones from our adventures in Asia. I LOVE IT!


What does this combination say about our family?

Chopsticks, wine glasses, bottle openers, mortar and pestle, running gels, and a meat thermometer.


I love it! Shes tall, long arms, and long legs ... She's made for this sport!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I have my new bingo board! This is what I get to do today - mark off numbers as it comes off the truck.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Motorcycles and suckers

No helmet + sucker = crazy rider.

Monday, July 30, 2012

People who can't park.

Coke zero in the morning

I think that there is just something off when you see an 8 year old bit drinking a coke zero at the work out place at 8:30 in the morning.

I don't wonder why we are FAT at all in this country. A diet coke or a coke zero dies not limit the amount if calories you take in for the day. Grab a water ...

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Do you know the other Asians?

I went to see some friends play tennis the other night.  While I was sitting there a women sits about 10 feet away.  This was our conversation:

Lady:  Hi
Me:  Hi, How are you?
Lady:  Good, Hey, there are two Asian's in the next court, do you know them?
Me:  Umm ... no.
Lady:  Really?
Me:  Yes, I've only lived here a week, I don't know any very many people.  
Lady:  Oh, you look like someone I know.
Me:  I guess you have a really pretty friend.

She laughed, I laughed.  But really ... come on lady, ALL ASIANS DO NOT LOOK ALIKE!  

In other news, I finally went shopping for furniture today.  Now that the house is really ours, I felt like I could shop.  I bought this table and chairs.  It is a "espresso" color, which should look really nice in the house.  It opens to 60" by 60", so this should be plenty of room when we have people over.

Then we went and bought a leather couch, chair and chair and a half for the family room.  The girls each got new beds and a new chest/dresser thing.

This is the living room set:
I also bought three more pillows that match the middle chair to tie in the other pieces (I will be not be using the ones that the chair and couch come with)

This is what the girls got for their rooms:
We got one set in black and one set in white.