Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Getting ready to go to their first Bat Mitzvah!



Saturday, June 22, 2013

On the farm

We picked up#1 from swim camp on Thursday. Since we were only about 3 hours away from j's sisters, we asked if we could come for a visit. This was a picture of the beautiful sunset on Saturday night!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Concession stands

It's nice to see that some things don't change. 27 years after going to Day camp, the choices are still the same!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Wheat and sugar free

I have been struggling to lose some pounds since we got back from HK. When we got Piper, I read that the key to a happy dog is exercise. So, I started on my walking journey. They dog and I average around 3.5 miles a day - sometimes doing upwards of 5. I have felt my legs getting stronger, and also my endurance increase. But I didn't feel like I was fitting into my pants better. So, last Sunday, I decided to go cold turkey on sugar and wheat. I have done really well eating all natural foods and such. One of the side effects that I have seen from this is, some of the aches and pains that I was having every morning have disappeared. I was having a lot of issues with my achilles and my IT band. As of today - I am really 4 days pain free from it. I don't know if I am completely intolerant to gluten or wheat, but maybe there is something to this.

Friday, May 31, 2013


Piper went to doggy day care today. This is probably the best money I spend her. She can't even hold her head up to look at us.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tornado warnings

This is how we roll for tornados. In the closet under the stairs for a bit.

Is it time to get a storm shelter put in the floor if the garage or one in te back yard?


Another tired one!


A very tired girl on her way to Tulsa for her first swim meet.


Both girls are now swimming, so here I sit at swim practice. I wouldn't change it for the world. As I sit here though, I can feel the wind push and shake the navigator - not a small car. The weather person says 22mph winds. What the heck are the gusts clocked at?

G did an amazing job the last two meets and has now become the 2nd or 12 fastest 12 year old in the team. Her coach has moved her up from pre-age group to age group. This is putting a bit if humility in her - which she needs. These longer, more intense practice will only help her more.

H is also doing quite well in swimming. She is moving her, "boney arms", as her best friend likes to call them, as fat as she can. She is actually gaining more muscle all the time. I think by the end of the summer, she might break 100 lbs. not bad for a girl who is 5'8".

J is still training for triathlons and doing well. He taking another CPA test tomorrow... One step closer to a journey that started almost 2 years ago!

I am still trying to play tennis. I sprained my wrist pretty badly about 8 weeks ago. I am just now starting to fully trust it again. I have also played sand volleyball a couple of times as a sub for my regular team.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This dog is ready for her morning 2-3 mile walk.

Friday, March 29, 2013


I have been in an expat funk these last few months. I finally feel like I am starting to see the light at the other end of the tunnel.

I am walking the dog at least 5 days a week and we are doing around 17-20 miles, and I think that the exercise routine is good. I am also playing tennis more and taking lessons outside of the neighborhood, which is also a really good thing!

I still think about Hong Kong almost daily. It's not that I long to go back there, it's just good memories of traveling, the time I got to spend alone with the girls and the friends that I made.

Sunday is Easter and J's birthday. We are having good friends over for dinner and dessert - and I'm really excited about cooking a big meal!

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Loading the plane

I am amazed, why I'm not sure, of the lack I respect people have for each other. This seems to come out the most When you board the plane.

I have always told the girls to be aware if their surroundings. They need to notice if someone needs help or if just standing up could make passing by
A little easier for someone. I just witnessed a family let their 10 year old just sit in the seat while two grown (not small) people had to climb over them. They were in the last row and all he had to do is stand up to make their lives easier.

We need more awareness and acts of kindness.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Everyone should pay taxes

If this does what it's title says it should, this would be AWESOME!

The Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act of 2013 requires the termination of employment for tax delinquent federal employees, while also prohibiting the hiring of new federal employees with a substantial amount of delinquent tax debt.

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring break.

In December we were throwing out ideas for spring break. I thought that it would be awesome to go skiing. I am personally not a skier, but thought that the girls would enjoy it - especially if they could ski with their dad.

We actually decided to go in a different direction and hit Puerto Rico instead. By the time March hit and it was still 30* in Arkansas, I was pretty sure I made the right decision.

Right now, we are basking in 77* temps And headed to the beach. Arkansas is currently 42* and will hit a high of 50.

I believe the right choice was made!

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"No we are not going to balance the budget in 10 years."

What the hell is wrong with this government? We are putting this country in debt for our children and grandchildren.

My family has to run on a balanced budget, why shouldn't we expect the country to have the same values? Yes, we need to provide for the sick and elderly, but do we need to provide for people who don't want to work because the government gives them all they need? No.

Come on, get over the left and right aisle stuff and get on with what is really good for our country and future generations.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fwd: [New Post] Tim Elmore on 03/11/2013

I have been experiencing some interesting things recently. The neighborhood that we live in has gone crazy.  Many of these people are quick to point a finger at others without looking at themselves first.  We are having issues with kids taking things from unlocked cars, taking alcohol from open garages, and breaking onto homes that are for sale.   These same people that are complaining and blaming have some if the kids that are doing the deeds. 

As I read the list below, I find it very true.   We are a country of "give me what I want not what I deserve or earn". 

Daily Blog Updates
You are receiving this email because you signed up at an event or online for daily blog updates from Tim Elmore Monday, March 11, 2013

Evaluating the Shifts and Drifts in How We Lead Students


photo credit: roujo via photopin cc

There has been a slow shift going on over the last forty years in how we lead our young people in America. I actually think I am seeing this shift happening all over the world. Adults view the educating and raising of children differently, and it's affected our work with young kids as well as young adults.


We used to pride ourselves on giving kids whatever they needed.

Now, parents pride themselves on giving kids whatever they want.


We used to offer school rewards when our students put out excellent effort.

Now we reward everyone, because we don't want anyone left out.


We used to say to kids: "You can do whatever you want; go figure it out."

Now we say: "You can do whatever you want, and I will make sure it happens."


We used to give kids an allowance for doing chores around the house.

Today, we give kids money regardless of any contribution they make.


We used to allow kids substantial playtime outside to exercise and make up games.

Now, we structure their days with practices and playtime is in front of a screen.


We used to let our kids fail and lose, but would help them learn lessons from it.

Today, we refuse to let our kids fail. We don't want to damage their self-esteem.


We used to see nearly every teen work at a job; it was the only way they'd have money.

Today, most teens don't work yet somehow find the money for items they want.


We used to affirm young people for outstanding behavior, performance or character.

Today, we praise young people for effortless and even basic behavior.


We used to learn about values and how life works over dinner with our family.

Today, kids may learn about life, values, and even sex from school, since there's no time for dinner together at home.


Yesterday, when a student got in trouble in school, they also got in trouble when they returned home. Parents took sides with the school rules.

Today, when a student gets in trouble in school, the parent sides with their child and the teacher or administrator now gets in trouble.


This may just explain much of what we see in our culture today.

What do you think? Leave a comment.

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© 2012 Tim Elmore
Growing Leaders 270 Scientific Drive NW Suite 10 Norcross, Ga 30092
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Monday, February 18, 2013

No. 2

Who sleeps with their phone covering their eyes?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Early morning in Arkansas!

My year Of the snake baby!

One of the best costume ideas from the Las Vegas 7's tourney.

Vegas 7's


She is hopefully done growing! We have been training for around a month now an I have to say, money well spent! I am actually enjoying having her around.

For people that know me ... Have a crazy dog in my house didn't work out well. I felt like giving her back for the first 2-3 months we had her. Now, I feel like she has really come into her own personality and is great!

Final short course meet for the 12 year old.


We are finishing up #1's first short course season. She ended up getting 3rd place and dropping some big time from her backstroke. She dropped 1.85 seconds - she was .15 seconds short of qualifying for state. She ages up in March, so onto the big girl swim time!

What a beautiful night.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A great view

Oh what a beautiful morning.

Monday, February 4, 2013

I am still having reintegration issues. Many times I feel like the big white tree amongst the others.

Hopefully this will lift soon, as I'm on about month 2.5 of this.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Crazy dog. She pulled her bed out of crate and then started to sleep next to the door so that she could look outside to see if her friends were coming to play.

If you look in her left pay, you see the shaved leg from where her iv was put this week. $700 later (and no more blue frisbees in the house) we are back 100%!

This makes me happy