Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Kim Lam Cup

Rugby - The Kim Lam Cup

There was some pressure put on the girls for this tournament. This tournament was to announce the best team for Girls' rugby for the year AND slot the team for next year. This year the girls wanted to make sure that they were still number 1 AND try to put the U12's in a good position for next year.

They did just that! I am really proud of the way the girls played. ALL the girls on the HKU - Sandy Bay team did a fantastic job and really worked as a TEAM. Here are some pictures from that tournament.

The day started (and ended) with some sprinkles and a ton of fog. Here you see what we were looking at from our pitch.
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This is the team getting together before the match. The girls all get together ... and this is the time that the parents and coaches step to the side and let the girls motivate themselves. Sometimes, it's not who is cheering for you, but you cheering for your mates. This team does a great job of playing together, laughing together and winning together --- with GRACE!

The happy faces at the end of the tournament ...

What a Team!

Here is Pool A.  We are HKU.  They didn't get a chance to update the last one before we started the awards.  

The girls and the coaches!
"Let's hear 3 cheers for Sandy Bay
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray"
This is actually what each team says about the other team.  Sometimes, the hip hip's are more enthusiastic than others~

Congratulations on a GREAT win!

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