Thursday, May 5, 2011


Laurel, my sister (she is biologically Jonathan's sister, but I love her to death!) reminded me of this:

My friend Rhonda, said that if you are single or have teens you should listen to this:

I have started listening to the responsibility one. I am making the girls listen to it with me. It's not that I blame other people for the things in my life, but I think that it helps me be a better mom when it comes to how to explain to my girls that we DON'T blame other people for the decisions/choices we make in life.

As for the Love, Sex & Dating; I will have teenagers much too soon. I think that I should be prepared. So, Thanks Laurel and Rhonda for the updates on my church!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing better than your sister Laurel! SHE hasn't even started listening to any of them yet.
