Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011

I am starting a resolution to update it at least once a week. I realize that it is Feb 1 ... but as most of you know, I beat to my own drummer.

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So this is the goings on around here:

We got to see a friend from home a few weeks ago. It was great to catch up and find out what is going on with his family back home. He was extremely busy, which is always a good sign for business and the economy.

We have signed the girls up for some more sports and social things. Hannah is swimming at the Y on Mondays. This is going very well. She has figured out how to do butterfly correctly. She knows that her arms are suppose to come out of the water … a little late, I know.

Gabby really wanted to do some more gymnastics when were looking at the schedule listings. Instead, she decided to go with Rock wall climbing. She is learning to tie knots and really how it’s done. It is pretty cool to watch her climb as high as she does!

We are also going to try to join Girl Guides, which is like Girl Scouts. They meet at a school around us, so this should be easy enough to get to. We are also going to join an all girls 12 & under rugby team. I’m not sure how well the girls will do, but they will at least meet some more people and get more energy out.

School is moving right along. I FINALLY figured out that Fulton County math books are online. So, I am going through that to make sure that Hannah is able to do the chapters in that book. We are also doing the same thing with Science.

Gabby is doing on Singapore Math. That stuff is HARD!!! She has a lot of algebra problems that I can do, just can’t explain. The other subjects seem to be going right along.

We are still hanging with the homeschool group. We are enjoying our “mapping the world” co-op.

These are some pictures of the DaVinci exhibition at the Science Museum.

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We have had mostly ups, but there have been some down times too. Hannah continues to struggle with wanting to go back home and wanting to stay here. She misses her friends, but also enjoys her friends here.

Gabby has had a bit more of a difficult time. She is not getting along with some of the other kids here. I know that she contributes to the problem, but I also know that it is not all her fault. Once again, I am finding that I have to tread very lightly when it comes to disciplining Gabby and listening to both sides of the story. I feel as though others are quick to blame and that is one of the down falls of homeschooling.

Jonathan is still running. He is planning on running the “Around the Island 40 miler” in early April. He has started to train by doing some long run followed by a shorter run later in the day. He is also going to expand to swimming this summer. I think that he plans on doing some swim/run races later on in the summer.

As for me, I seem to be plugging along. I am finding new things to laugh at daily. I am also relearning all the stuff I forgot that I learned year ago. Now, I can watch “Are you smarter than a 5th grader” and get at least 90% of all the question correct.

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