Monday, December 17, 2012

13 yo comments

I had a conversation the other day with one of #1's new friends from her bible study. #1 had mentioned that this girl had a "interesting" family life and that her parents were divorced. When he arrived, I asked if that was her dad. She said yes. I responded with Oh, ok, are you with him this weekend? Are we taking time away from you too? Then her response: "No, my parents are back together. I'm not really happy about it. I really don't like my mom at all ... I like being with my dad a lot more."

Wow ... those are some strong words to say to someone that you have only met twice.

I wonder what this child is really learning at home.  She told #2 that she should really dress like a skater ... because she would be much cuter.  Really?  What the heck is that about?  #2 told her that she dresses fine and she wasn't going to do that.

After sitting at the table with the girls and talking about both of these issues, I told them that I loved them for who there were.  I hope that I have done enough to know that they are enough.  They don't need to change for anyone.